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London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine COVID-19:Tackling the Novel Coronavirus

University of Michigan The Future of Payment Technology

CIPD-Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development HR fundamentals

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1.FutureLearn is mainly designed for   .

A.students who want to learn at home

B.teachers who want to improve their teaching skills

C.businessmen who want to improve their business

D.people from all walks of life who want to learn something online

2.Which of the following about FutureLearn might not be found on this website?

A.courses B.subjects C.partners D.fees

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the website?

A.FutureLearn provides users with the flexibility to pursue their own interests.

B.Learners can access high-quality learning at FutureLearn.

C.FutureLearn aims to totally change access to education.

D.This website aims to recruit new users for FutureLearn.

