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Officer Michael Rivers, a policeman who was snapped and the image shared on Facebook, as he sat sharing his lunch with a homeless woman at the side of the road in North Carolina, in the USA, is praised.

According to Chris Barnes, his wife Cassie took the photo while she was on her lunch break. She saw the pair sharing a pizza and soft drink while they were having a friendly chat. Mr. Barnes uploaded the image with the notes:" Cassie was out on her lunch break and observed the officer enjoying lunch with a homeless person.”

Officer Rivers recalled seeing the woman earlier that day. He told Yahoo news: “I was leaving the parking lot of Walmart and she was standing by the stop sign. Her shirt read, 'Homeless the fastest way of becoming a nobody.’ I hated that she felt that way.” He added: “I always try to talk to the homeless just to see how they got into their situation. You know, because it can happen to any one of us, at any given moment.”

After he drove away, he circled back to ask if the woman was hungry and if she wanted food. The officer said she was honored by his offer. He bought them both pizza and Mountain Dew and when the pair sat down to eat, he learned of her family struggles and told her: “Hey, you still got stuff to live for, you still got your life ahead of you. It's never too late.”

Officer Rivers, who does recruiting for the Goldsboro PD, hopes to send a message of sympathy for others. He added: “When the younger or newer guys come in, I let them know, ‘Hey treating the community like human beings is the most important thing in the world.’”

“So, if we as police officers show that love and sympathy to everybody, no matter their age, financial background or race, the world would be a better place.”

1.Why did Chris Barnes share the photo on Facebook?

A.Because it was taken by his wife. B.Because the officer was his friend.

C.Because the officer was handsome. D.Because he was impressed by the officer's action.

2.Why did the officer come back for the homeless woman?

A.Because she asked him for food.

B.Because her situation was serious.

C.Because he wanted to make a difference to her.

D.Because he wanted to become an internet celebrity.

3.What does the officer want to pass on to his new colleagues?

A.Anyone can become homeless at any given moment.

B.Policemen should be sympathetic and caring.

C.Policemen should become heroes.

D.People should learn to draw others’ attention.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.A policeman seen sharing lunch with a homeless woman. B.How policemen help the homeless.

C.A lucky homeless woman. D.How to become a good model for policemen.

