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“All animal products contain much more concentrated levels of pesticides residue (杀虫剂残留) than either vegetables or grains. Red meat, chicken and fish contain no beneficial carbonhydrates (碳水化合物), fiber...

“Fish contain far more heavy metals and industrial pollutants than land animals...

“There is a common misconception that vegetarians have limited food choices. Just the opposite is true. Vegetarians commonly eat a wider variety of foods than most meat eaters.”

―“Vegetarian FAQ”, North American

Vegetarian Society

“The more I got educated about cruel treatment, it really was a no-brainer to become a vegetarian. You know, no one would barbecue their family dog. You know, a pig or a chicken isn’t different. They are just as gentle as a dog or a cat...”

—Public service announcement, Mike Ness

“I’m not a vegetarian because I enjoy eating meat. Meat is nutritious food, and I believe there are ways to eat meat that are in keeping with my environmental and ethical (道德的) values. I don’t make the decision to eat meat lightly. Meat-eating has always been a messy business, shadowed by the shame of killing...

“I have a sincere respect for vegetarians, for they have actually done the work of thinking through the consequences of their eating decisions, something most of the rest of us have not done. My own examination of those consequences has led me to the conclusion that eating a small amount of meat from certain kinds of farms is something I can feel good about.”

―“Animal Welfare: FAQ & Useful

Links”, Michael Pollan

“The centerpiece of a truly healthy diet must be animal foods. That means a large part of meat, seafood, eggs or raw dairy at just about every meal. That is how one recovers from vegetarianism and builds lasting health and strength.”

—“Recovering from Vegetarianism”,

Ron Schmid

1.Which of the following is mentioned in “Vegetarian FAQ”?

A. Fish is better for human health than chicken.

B. Vegetarians are much healthier than meat eaters.

C. There are more kinds of plant foods than animal products.

D. There is more pesticide in vegetables than in animal products.

2.What might Michael Pollan agree with?

A. Vegetarians are thoughtful.

B. Meat-eating should be forbidden.

C. Vegetarians do something unnecessary.

D. Meat-eating is helpful for the environment.

3.What topic is discussed in the text?

A. What are healthy foods?

B. How to get the best nutrition.

C. Reasons to become vegetarians.

D. Should people become vegetarians?

