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Luis Escobar, a coach at St. Joseph High in Santa Maria, was just looking for a fun idea to change the practice for his summer program. _______, he took 14 runners from his school to the local animal shelter, and paired them with 14 dogs.

“When I first _______ the idea there were a lot of eye rolls,” he said. _______, it is a group of high schoolers.

The group got a bit excited when they were told the run would _______ as part of their community service requirement that everyone at their high school has to meet. Then once the students saw the dogs, they immediately became just more _______.

“I wasn't sure who was more excited,” he said, “the _______ or the dogs.”

After a short _______, the group went for a mile and a half run. Escobar _______ the amazing practice and posted the video online - as he does with many of the different _______ he does with his team. It spread quickly and was ________ by millions of people on social media. There were thousands of ________  and it was quickly picked up by local news. Escobar was ________. “I wonder why this is happening,” he said. “I ________  everyone's looking for something good.”

Soon many coaches have called Escobar asking about how they can ________ similar runs with their teams. And a dog equipment company has donated new harnesses (背带牵引绳) to the ________ so the dogs can go for a more comfortable ________.

And there was more good ________. Fred, who ran with Josh, one of the 14 high school runners, became a   ________ dog - his story had the happiest ending. After the run, Josh convinced his mom that their family needed to  ________ him.

“Once he was just this little dog ________ in a metal cage,” Escobar said. “And now he's at home with Josh and his family.”

1.A.Otherwise B.Instead C.Therefore D.However

2.A.changed B.rejected C.presented D.knew

3.A.In particular B.In fact C.As usual D.After all

4.A.count B.adore C.possess D.occupy

5.A.ambitious B.thoughtful C.faithful D.enthusiastic

6.A.trainers B.employees C.kids D.teachers

7.A.hesitation B.introduction C.competition D.evaluation

8.A.filmed B.watched C.supported D.required

9.A.tricks B.games C.studies D.activities.

10.A.challenged B.shared C.researched D.blamed

11.A.comments B.refusals C.complaints D.demands

12.A.relaxed B.shocked C.disappointed D.embarrassed

13.A.declare B.guarantee C.guess D.prove

14.A.figure out B.get through C.respond to D.participate in

15.A.shelter B.community C.government D.family

16.A.job B.team C.run D.journey

17.A.news B.life C.experience D.practice

18.A.lovely B.wild C.clumsy D.lucky

19.A.trust B.adopt C.encourage D.comfort

20.A.wandering B.trembling C.thinking D.dancing

