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Each day the online community reports on countless social justice issues around the world. From climate change and gun violence to natural disasters, readers come across a story, learn about an issue and often feel compelled to help. However, without any guidance on how to make a difference, many abandon the attempt and move on with their day.

Ideal Impact, a new Web-based app (应用程序), sees that as a lost opportunity. The app is designed to connect news stories with efficient ways to help make a difference in the real world. Let’s say, for example, you recently read an article, “The heartbreaking, world of captive (被抓的) exotic birds” and felt moved by the stories of the often sad lives those birds are forced to live. Once installed on your phone or browser, Ideal Impact would show you opportunities to volunteer, donate or get involved to help captive exotic birds.

Founder, Olivier Kamanda, explains in the company’s video, “What would happen when you come across a story that makes you want to get involved in? That arouses a fundamental question, ‘How can I help?’ Unfortunately there is no platform that takes you from that moment of inspiration to a meaningful service opportunity. So every year 90 million people are inspired to get involved to do something with their time and they don’t know how. And that comes at a cost of 207 billion dollars in lost volunteer time and donations.” Kamanda said in an interview with the Smithsonian, “Our app bridges the gap between people who are inspired to make a difference and organizations that need support.”

Once the app is installed as a browser plugin (插件) on a desktop or mobile device, you can read the news as you normally would. And then, when you come across a story that inspires you to take action, you can click on the Ideal Impact button that appears in the main menu of your browser. That will load the app and show you opportunities to get involved with non-profit organizations that are working to deal with the issue you just read about.

1.What is Ideal Impact?

A. Its software.   B. It’s a charity group.

C. It’s a computer company.   D. It’s a non-profit organization.

2.How does the author explain the function of Ideal Impact?

A. By making comparisons.   B. By giving figures.

C. By giving quotations.   D. By giving an example.

3.What can Ideal Impact do?

A. It can help people make a contribution.

B. It can help people search for exotic birds.

C. It can help people read news stories more easily.

D. It can help people make a difference to their career.

4.What will happen after you click on the Ideal Impact button?

A. You will have fun news to read.

B. You will find a solution to a problem.

C. You may get access to a related charity.

D. The main menu of your browser will appear.

