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Tips for Using Google Maps When You Travel

Traveling somewhere new can bring exciting adventures. But it can also bring unwelcome surprises. That may be in the tools you use before and during your trip. With the right technology, you can make the most of your time on the road. 1. While people most commonly use Google Maps for directions from one place to another, it offers many other kinds of travel tools. Today, we bring you several tips for using Google Maps.

1.Plan a road trip route

When you are traveling on a road trip, you do not have to plan each part of the trip separately with Google Maps. 2. To plan a road trip, open Google Maps. Search for your first destination, and then click on the arrow to get directions. Then ,click on the plus + sign to add more destinations to your trip.

2.Save your maps for offline use

3. Or you may not want to pay international charges for using your phone in other countries. The good news is that you can still use Google Maps even without the Internet. You can download a map from Google Maps to your phone. To do this, open the Google Maps app on your phone and search for the area you want to save. Click on the address at the bottom of the screen, then choose Download.

3.Use Google Maps for a walk or bike ride

While Google Maps may first give users directions to a place by car, it also offers biking or walking directions.4. The results also tell you the elevation change of the route, so you know how much energy you will have to use by choosing to walk or ride a bicycle.

4.Save money on gas

If you are planning a car trip in North America, Google Maps can show you the lowest gas prices in the United States and Canada. Search for “gas stations” on the Google Maps app and you will see a list of nearby stations with gas prices.5. Therefore, Google Maps is really a great convenience to tourists.

A. Google Maps has many tech tools that help make traveling easier.

B. When traveling, you may not always have access to the Internet.

C. You can get those directions by clicking the walking or bicycle icon.

D. The “gas stations” on the Google Maps app are sometimes difficult to find.

E. They will also be marked on the map so that you can see the closest ones to you.

F. The apps and maps are of great help when people are going to a store or supermarket.

G. You can search for all of the parts of the trip in order to prepare your route more efficiently.

