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Sports offer kids the ability to exercise while having fun, the chance to learn how to play as a team, and a good way to develop athletic skills. Despite these benefits, 70% of kids quit sports by the age of 13. 1..


Have you ever watched kindergarteners play soccer against another team of kindergarteners? It is both enjoyable and amusing. No matter what the score, all the kids have a good time and are happy.

3.. The focus changes from having fun to practicing skills. Only the pre-teens with the best skills can get the most time in the game. What was a fun activity at age 5 becomes a source of stress and pressure for a pre-teen. Those who are not among the most talented players tend to quit and find something else they might be good at.

◆ It costs more.

4.. Parents of a pre-teen are going to need to purchase a uniform, gear, and equipment. Teams need to travel to compete against teams from other schools or districts. Parents who want to watch the games now have extra gas costs to deal with.

Therefore, when an activity becomes expensive, parents start pushing their pre-teen to do well in it. Perhaps the parents complain that if their pre-teen is sitting on the bench, or isn’t the star player, the money wasn’t worth it. This adds extra pressure on a pre-teen who might quit the team.

◆ It’s the age.

Parents need to remember that pre-teens are going through a lot of changes. Their bodies are changing School has become more challenging (and requires them to manage a lot of homework). 5. If your pre-teen’s friends quit playing soccer, your pre-teen might quit as well.

A. Their peers are becoming more important to them than their family is.

B. The more money in a sport, the less participation in it.

C. As kids get older, the experience of playing sports changes.

D. The older a player gets, the more expensive the participation in a sport becomes.

E. It stops being fun.

F. Here are some reasons why that happens.

G. Their friends are becoming bored of some sport.

