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Myth: Skipping meals helps you lose weight fast.

Truth: There’s no truth in this advice. Not only will you lose weight by starving yourself, but according to Carol Ann Rinzler, this may actually cause you to gain weight. Rinzler reasons that missing a meal causes your metabolism(新陈代谢) to slow down so that you burn food more slowly. This only makes you feel hungrier and by the time you finally do reach the table you will probably eat more food. Strange as it may seem, studies show that eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day is a more healthy way to lose pounds.

Myth: If you swallow (吞下) gum (口香糖),it will stay inside your stomach for seven years.

Truth: Actually, it takes just a few days for gum to make its exit---not seven years, says Nei Izenberg, M. D., editor of Kids Health Organization. But because gum is made of the same thing as rubber, it cannot be fully digested (消化) in your stomach--- so if you gum up the works on a regular (经常的) basis, you might find yourself in a sticky situation.

Myth: The best way to stop a nosebleed is to lift your head back.

Truth: Now that’s bad advice. Bloody noses are caused by broken blood vessels (血管), so while lifting your head back might stop the fluid from rushing out of your nose, it won’t stop the bleeding; you’ll just end up swallowing lots of blood. Your best bet? “Rest quietly. Don’t poke or pick, and the blood will naturally clot (凝结) within a minute or two”. Suggests Dr. Izenberg.

Myth: Cutting your hair will make it grow long faster.

Truth: That’s not true. “Your hair isn’t like a lawn or a rosebush, where cutting can stimulate (刺激) fresh growth,” says Phillip Kingsley. The length of your hair is genetically ( 遗传地) determined. When it reaches a certain length, it stops growing. When you clear up the dead split ends, this make your hair look healthier, but not necessarilylonger.

1.According to Carol Ann Rinzler, skipping meals will __________.

A. help you lose weight fast

B. help you lose weight slowly

C. cause you to become fatter

D. make you burning food more quickly

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Gum cannot be fully digested in the stomach

B. Gum can leave your stomach after you swallow is a few days later

C. If you often swallow gum, you might find yourself in a sticky situation

D. Gum can stay inside your stomach for seven years if you swallow it

3.The length of your hair is determined by ________

A. clearing up the dead split ends

B. your gene

C. cutting it often

D. the food you eat

