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In the United States more than 80 colleges now accept just only women. Most of them were founded in the 19th century. They were set up to1women the education they could not get anywhere else. At that time 2of the universities and colleges 3only men. In the past 20 years many young women have 4to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a 5,some women's colleges decided to accept men students, too. Others still refused to change. Now the women's colleges are 6again.

The president of Trinity College in Washington      D. C said by the end of the 1980s women had come to 7that studying at the same colleges with men and women did not mean 8had the same chance to 9. The president of Smith College in Massachusette said “A women’s college 10women to choose classes and activities 11. For example, if a woman student wants to learn maths, she will be given the chance. So the percentage of students who like to study maths in a women’s college is 12than that in a college with men and women. ”

Experts say men students in the United States 13have enough courage to speak in class. 14, women students can't. In a women’s college, women feel free to say 15they want to. According to a report, women colleges also16leadership ability in many fields. At a women college, every 17office is held by women. Recent studies 18that this leadership continues after 19. The studies also prove that it is easier for the American women who went to women’s college to 20successful jobs later in life. Maybe that is why this kind of college is liked by people now.

1.A. make             B. elect             C. offer            D. call

2.A. some             B. most              C. few              D. none

3.A. liked            B. accepted          C. attracted        D. helped

4.A. chosen           B. failed            C. regretted        D. hated

5.A. goal             B. model             C. result           D. level

6.A. separate         B. troublesome       C. special          D. popular

7.A. forget           B. realize           C. expect           D. remember

8.A. students         B. presidents        C. men              D. women

9.A. work             B. visit             C. choose           D. survive

10.A. permits         B. forbits           C. forces           D. reminds

11.A. obviously       B. freely            C. exactly          D. immediately

12.A. smaller         B. more              C. higher           D. lower

13.A. usually         B. never             C. sometimes        D. seldom

14.A. Finally         B. Therefore         C. However          D. Besides

15.A. how             B. what              C. when             D. where

16.A. bring down      B. bring over        C. bring round      D. bring about

17.A. governing       B. cleaning          C. serving          D. booking

18.A. mean            B. show              C. warn             D. conclude

19.A. school          B. work              C. graduation       D. death

20.A. hold            B. gather            C. lose             D. require

