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One of the areas of our body which conveys most about how we feel is how we move our hands and arms.  1., but most often they occur unconsciously and naturally.

2.. Open hands and arms, especially extended, and with hands up in front of the body at chest height, indicate that what you’re saying is important, and, especially when people are speaking in public, a pointing finger or a hand waving above the shoulders stresses a personal point. However, research shows that people often find speakers who point their fingers a lot rather annoying.

Openness or honesty. 3., they will often hold one or both of their hands out to the other person. Footballers who have just committed a foul (犯规)often use this gesture to try to convince the referee that they didn’t do it.

Nervousness. If a person puts his hand to his mouth, this either indicates that he is hiding something, or that he is nervous. 4., and so does holding a bag or briefcase very tightly in front of the body.

Feeling defensive. Arms folded tightly over the chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness and indicates that you are protecting yourself. It is often seen among strangers in queues or in lifts or anywhere where people feel a bit insecure. People also sometimes use this gesture when they are listening to someone, to show that they disagree with what is being said. 5.!

A. Saying something important

B. When people want to be open or honest

C. Hand and arm gestures are sometimes intentional

D. But this gesture can simply mean that the person is cold

E. Playing with your fingers, like tapping the table, also shows anxiety

F. This gesture is typical of lawyers, accountants, and other professionals

G. When someone puts up his both hands, he probably gives in to his enemies

