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Fitness isn’t just physical; Change your thoughts, and you change your world.Of course we all agree that gaining and losing weight, exercise, diet, strength, and flexibility(灵活性) are a part of fitness.But what about body image, aging , relationships, success, and happiness? They are all related, all connected, and fitness in all areas is important if you want true and total fitness.

But you may say , “I just want to lose 20 pounds.If I do, I will feel better about myself and I will be happy .”Maybe in the short term, but honestly, if we don’t deal with our mental and emotional fitness while working on the physical, there is very little chance of keeping the weight off, feeling good about yourself, and improving every other area of your life.

Let’s not waste tine changing our bodies if we don’t change our minds, Let’s work“out”and work“in” at the same time .Change your mind and you must, because if you have been trying to lose weight, but cannot, there is something inside you that is disallowing it.You can change this pattern, improve your self-esteem, increase your joy, and change your body for good by focusing on changing your mind.This is training for life.

Work-ins will repair your mind, improve your attitude, change your perception and encourage motivation at the same time you are conditioning your body for weight loss, shaping, strength and endurance.

If you repeat a positive statement over and over to yourself——like a mantra(祷文),your mind will change, the same way your body does, even if you don’t believe it.Like lifting a weight over and over, your muscle changes——even if you don’t believe it.

1.What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 2?

A.Mental and physical health are both important.

B.Losing weight is sometimes harmful.

C.Fitness is important in losing weight

D.It takes a long time to lose weight.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that work-outs can________?

A.improve your self-esteem                  B.cause you to gain more weight

C.make you more active                     D.benefit your physical reshaping

3.The author mentions weight lifting in the last paragraph to tell us________

A.why we must change our mind

B.how to improve ourselves mentally

C.how to repeat positive statements

D.what is the correct way to lose weight

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Stop wasting time on weight loss

B.Health and life attitude

C.Work your mind, not just your body

D.Real training of life

