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The only person who can change what you feel is you.

A new relationship, a new house, a new car, a new job, these things can momentarily distract(转移) you from your _______, but no other person, no material possession, no activity can remove, release, or _______how you feel. How often do you _______people say things like "when I have enough _______, I won't be afraid anymore", only to find there never seems to be enough money to _______ being afraid. Or "when I'm in a secure relationship I won't _______ lonely any more", and finding they are still _______ regardless of their relationship. We need to _______that we take our feelings with us _______ we go. A new dress, a new house, a new job, none of these things change how we feel. Our feelings ________ within us until we release them.

You can not change or ________ your emotions. You can learn how to ________ with them, living peacefully with them, transmuting them (which means releasing them), and you can manage them, but you ________ control them.

Think of the people who go along day after day seeming to function normally, and all of a sudden they will ________ in anger at something that seems relatively little and ________.

That is one sign of someone who is trying to control or repress(压抑) their ________but their repressed emotions are ________. The more anyone tries to control their emotions the ________ they resist control, and the more frightened people ________ become at what is seen to be a "________ of emotional control". It is a vicious circle.

1.A. belongings   B. earnings   C. surroundings   D. feelings

2.A. change   B. make   C. interrupt   D. abstract

3.A. watch   B. notice   C. hear   D. listen

4.A. courage   B. confidence   C. possessions   D. money

5.A. improve   B. stop   C. continue   D. suggest

6.A. feel   B. live   C. keep   D. have

7.A. alone   B. lonely   C. helpless   D. careful

8.A. admit   B. admire   C. unfold   D. understand

9.A. whatever   B. however   C. wherever   D. whichever

10.A. remain   B. leave   C. fade   D. keep

11.A. waste   B. exchange   C. ruin   D. control

12.A. agree   B. do   C. be   D. help

13.A. cannot   B. wouldn't   C. shouldn't   D. had better not

14.A. calm   B. enjoy   C. function   D. explode

15.A. huge   B. giant   C. harmless   D. beneficial

16.A. emotions   B. wealth   C. actions   D. characters

17.A. fading away   B. leaving out   C. leaking out   D. going through

18.A. less   B. more   C. fewer   D. higher

19.A. thoroughly   B. eventually   C. completely   D. hopefully

20.A. loss   B. handle   C. victory   D. way

