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A. Music calms

B. Sweet food helps fight cancer

C. Shopping burns more calories

D. Cocoa improves your health

E. Gifting an experience promotes happiness

F. Writing holiday cards can promote gratitude

Christmas Is Good For You … Really!!!

The Christmas holiday season gets a bad name when it comes to health, but this time of year can actually boost your mind and body. And here’s how …


Studies have found that spending money on experiences increases happiness more than paying a large sum of money for material goods. Now new research shows this mood lift can come from simply making your list (and checking it twice): A 2014 Cornell study found that people who merely expect to make an up coming experiential purchase, such as ski lessons, report higher levels of happiness than those who plan to buy, say, a new tech gadget.


Singing can reduce stress hormones and boost oxytocin, the “love” hormone that promotes feelings of trust and bonding. Swedish research published last year found that certain aspects of singing make people adopt a calm breathing pattern, like that associated with yoga. Singing in a group can improve self-esteem and increase feelings of social belonging, which can ward off loneliness. Even if you are not accustomed to singing aloud Christmas tunes door-to-door, sing along with your kids or our partner to a holiday radio station while you go on a short trip or drive to visit families or friends.


Waling about in the supermarket for about an hour can burn 200 to 300 calories, depending on your size; what’s more, it’s time you do not stick to your computer or television screens. Too much sitting increases your risk of everything from type 2 diabetes to cancer. The more “incidental” fitness — stringing holiday fights, searching for an old album in the basement, bustling around the kitchen while preparing holiday dinners — you can squeeze into your day, the better off you will be.


Instead of working with the modern instant communication apps, consider it an opportunity to write a personal note expressing how much the receiver means to you and how much you appreciate the help or guidance he or she offered. One study found that people who put down what they were thankful for each week felt more optimistic about their lives, exercised more, and even had fewer visits to physicians than people who wrote down things that annoyed them or neutral events.


This sweet treat lowers LDL cholesterol (胆固醇) and blood pressure, raises HDL cholesterol, and even improves cognitive function and memory. In 2012, the European Food Safety Athority issued a scientific opinion that said consuming 200mg of cocoa flavonoids(类黄酮) a day can contribute to healthy blood flow. A cup made with a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa can contain or even go beyond this amount. To minimize clumping, mix powder into milk that’s really warm. Add spices like cinnamon and a small amount of sugar or honey to cut the bitterness.

