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When people ask me what Down Syndrome(唐氏综合症) is, I tell them it’s an extra chromosome(染色体). A doctor would tell you the extra chromosome causes an intellectual disability that makes it harder for me to learn things.

Even though I have Down Syndrome, my life is a lot like yours. I read books and watch TV. I listen to music with my friends. I’m on the swim team and in chorus at school. I think about the future, and I like the one who I’ll marry. And I get along with my sisters---except when they take CDs without asking! I’m a hard worker, a good person, and I care about my friends.

Some of my classes are with typical kids, and some are with kids with learning disabilities. I have an aid who goes with me to my harder classes, like math and biology. She helps me take notes and gives me tips on how I should study for tests. It really helps, but I also challenge myself to do well. For instance, my goal was to be in a typical English class by 12th grade. That’s exactly what happened this year!

It’s true that I don’t learn some things as fast as other people do. But that won’t stop me from trying. I just know that if I work really hard and by myself I can do almost anything.

I can’t change the fact that I have Down Syndrome, but one thing I would change is what people think of me. I’d tell them, “Judge me as a whole person, not just the person you see. Treat me with respect, and accept me for who I am. The most important---just be my friend.”

1.A person with Down Syndrome ____________according to the passage.

A. can learn things almost as fast as normal people do

B. has one more chromosome than normal people

C. is hard to get along with

D. is easy to get along with

2.The writer tries to picture himself as a __________teenager.

A. normal   B. perfect   C. lovely   D. special

3.The writer feels ________about his life.

A. confused   B. hopeful   C. unhappy   D. curious

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To prove people with Down Syndrome are a lot like healthy ones

B. To show the writer’s honesty and optimism

C. To change people’s attitude towards people with Down Syndrome

D. To describe the life of a student with learning disabilities

