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I'm on the phone with a frustrated customer, and a note appears on my computer screen: You are speaking slower than usual. Speed up. I do, and the message disappears, only to be replaced with another: Continuous Speaking — Finish your thought.

This is Cogito, an artificial intelligence program designed to help customer service workers communicate more clearly, empathize (产生共鸣) with frustrated callers, and improve their overall performance. Cogito listens to the tone, pitch, word frequency and other factors in customer service conversations. When it detects something wrong-an irritated customer, a call center agent taking too long to respond — it displays a note on the agent's computer telling them how to improve.

For anyone who's spent hours of their lives stuck on the phone with an unhelpful or very rude customer service agent, Cogito may seem. like a godsend. And some customer service agents using the software generally say they find it helpful. One employee says that Cogito helped her cut her average call time nearly in half, while another says it helped her speaking slow down.

Cogito has been launched to more than sixty call centers across the U. S. over the past year. The company behind the software, Cogito Inc., has raised more than $ 70 million. “We were 45 people a year ago,” says Cogito CEO Josh Feast, whose. company now has 150 employees. At MetLife, managers say that the program improved customer satisfaction by 13%,and helped agents (who take an average of 700 calls a week) to have more “human” conversations.

Such software as Cogito is unlikely to stop at the meeting room. But like other enterprise software, it could soon spread well beyond call centers and other offices and into our daily lives.

1.What's the purpose of Cogito program?

A.To speed up customer service workers' speaking.

B.To store the conversations between customers and agents.

C.To improve customer service agents' communication with callers.

D.To complain of frustrated callers.

2.What can we infer about Cogito in Paragraph 4?

A.Cogito bas been used by sixty call centers in the world.

B.The company behind the software benefits a lot from Cogito.

C.Josh Feast designed Cogito with the help of employees.

D.Customers weren't satisfied with MetLife's service without Cogito.

3.What's the future of Cogito according to the text?

A.It'll be part of our normal day-to-day life.

B.I'll spread into other offices.

C.I'll tell humans what to do.

D.I'll replace customer service agents.

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A novel. B.A brochure.

C.A guidebook. D.A magazine.

