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If you’re anything like the average American, you probably check your smartphone more than50 times per day as a 2018 study found. 1. In fact, The University of Arizona found back in2012 that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat, largely because toilet seats are typically cleaned more frequently while personal electronics are largely overlooked.

As the novel corona virus (新型冠状病毒) continues to spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization are advising the general public to wash hands often and disinfect (消毒) frequently touched objects and surfaces. 2.

But cleaning your phone can be tricky, considering many of the standard cleaning products you’d typically use for disinfection could potentially damage your mobile device. You may want to wipe down your phones screen with some rubbing alcohol or a disinfectant wipe. 3. These phones have a coating on then to prevent oil or grease from your hand from sticking on the phone. Using alcohol or those types of everyday solutions directly on a phone, on its glass can harm it. 4.

That lines up with the advice Apple and Samsung offer which warn not to use cleaning products. 5. If you need to disinfect your smartphone, consider looking into a UV light to kill the bacteria.

A.Avoid using alcohol.

B.But in doing so, you risk damaging your devices screen.

C.That means keeping your phone clean is important as well.

D.You should still be cautious when exposing them to liquids.

E.Instead use a micro fiber cloth and dampen it lightly with soap and water.

F.And each time you do, your mobile device picks up more bacteria from your hands.

G.Both companies say wiping your phone down with a soft cloth is the best way to clean it.

