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The eating habits your children pick up when they’re young will help them keep a healthy lifestyle when they’re adults. Here are some approaches parents can take to develop healthy eating habits in their children.

Guide your family’s choices rather than dictate foods. Make a wide variety of healthful foods available in the house. 1. Leave the unhealthy choices like chips, soda, and juice at the grocery store.

2. A child can feel hunger and fullness better when they eat at a slow pace. Before offering a second serving, ask your child to wait at least 15 minutes to see if they’re truly still hungry. This will give the brain time to register fullness. Also, that second serving should he much smaller than the first.

Eat meals together as a family as often as possible. Try to make mealtimes pleasant with conversation and sharing, not a time for scolding or arguing. If mealtimes are unpleasant, children may try to eat faster to leave the table as soon as possible. 3.

Try not to use food to punish or reward your children. Withholding (不给) food as a punishment may lead children to worry that they won’t get enough food. For example, sending children to bed without any dinner may cause them to worry that they’ll go hungry. 4. Similarly, when foods, such as sweets, are used as a reward, children may assume that these foods are better or more valuable than other foods.

Discourage eating meals while watching TV. Try to eat only in a fixed area of your home, such as the dining room or kitchen. Eating in front of the TV may make it difficult to pay attention to feelings of fullness. 5.

A. Pay attention to serving size.

B. And that may lead to overeating.

C. Encourage your children to eat slowly.

D. They then may learn to associate eating with stress.

E. Children are more willing to eat or try foods they help prepare.

F. As a result,children may try to eat whenever they get a chance.

G. This practice will help your children learn how to make healthy food choices.

