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You are standing in a hall packed with friends, family, colleagues and peers. You are about to walk onto the stage and address theme. You’re expected to say something meaningful and profound and everyone is hanging on your every word. You need to be clearly spoken, confident and calm, maybe even funny. How do you feel?

If you’re shaking, sweating and looking for the exit, you’re normal. Most of us are scared of public speaking and yet, as a society, we’re becoming more obsessed with hearing what people have to say: we watch endless TED talks, download podcasts and screen hours of YouTube clips. Being able to address a crowd is no longer the domain of the brave—if you want to get ahead in your career, you need to master it. I’ve done enough public speaking to have picked up some tips and tricks, and these are the ones I rely on most.

The most important thing is to prepare. You don’t have to write out your speech word by word but get the headline, three key points and the concluding sentence on paper and put bullet points under each. Then run through it and note which of your bullet points made it in and what you added. Adapt your notes and try again. Keep going until you have a structure.

Now it’s time to watch yourself—yes, get out your camera and film yourself. This is how you will see the points that need work and where you can polish it up.

Most of the information the audience will take away will be from your energy and your tone, a little from your words. Once you have sorted out the words, focus on how to exude(散发) the right energy—do you need confidence or humor? I go for confidence so, five minutes before a talk, I try to recall a success I’ve had. I focus on the details and aim to bring that feelings of competence to life.

Finally, breathe. We cannot speak without breath, yet it is the first thing we let go of when we are nervous. Settle your breathing before you start. If you lose control of your breath in the middle, say “Let’s take a moment to think about that last point.” That gives you a pause to collect your breath. The only way to get over a fear of public speaking is to do it, again and again. You will have good and bad experiences but, if you do it enough, you’ll realize that, occasionally, it’s fun.

1.According to the author, why is public speech important to the average?

A.Friendships can be established through it.

B.Public speeches can display our courage.

C.There are more occasions for pubic speeches.

D.It is beneficial to our way up the career ladder.

2.Which of the following tips is recommended by the author?

A.Preparing and writing down every detail.

B.Displaying right energy during the speech.

C.Watching famous films of public speeches.

D.Telling key points and bullet points apart.

3.What view does the author hold about public speaking?

A.It creates more and more fun if we stick to practice.

B.It is easier to practise at home than to perform outside.

C.Experiences of public speaking can delight us sometimes.

D.Attempts to give public speaking tend to fail in the end.

