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Moving abroad, whether you are teaching, studying, volunteering or just traveling for a long period of time, is complicated. 1. Before you start working abroad, consider the following homesickness reduction techniques, so that you’ll be able to enjoy your adventure.

Make Your New Home a Home

You can’t bring your entire room from home abroad with you, but you can find ways to make your new space feel more like home. Spend a little time and money making your home a place you’re excited to come back to every day. 2.

Host a Cooking Class or Exchange

Food is one of the biggest causes of homesickness for almost everyone living abroad. Combine a taste of home with a social exchange by teaching your host family how to cook a dish you especially like. It’s two for-one. 3..

Send Gifts Back Home

Staying connected to your family and friends back home is important. Consider giving gifts from your new country and sending them back home. 4. Also you can share your experiences abroad with your friends and family back home.

Schedule Some “Me” Time

It’s not a good idea to hide from your problems, but 30 minutes of pure alone time in a calming environment can be very helpful. Try to find an empty room—even if you’re living in student housing or with a family—diam the lights, close your eyes, and just breathe deeply and relax. 5.

A. Taking this type of break can be very calming.

B. Moving abroad isn’t an excuse to eat fried food three times a day.

C. One of the most significant challenges that you face is homesickness.

D. Little actions can go a long way toward creating a more comfortable space.

E. Lots of things change when you move abroad, but not everything has to change.

F. This will give your days a fun purpose, keep you connected to those who are important to you.

G. You get to eat delicious food, plus it’s an opportunity to spend some quality time with new friends!

