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People today take lots of photos. Some photographs are really memorable. They either capture important events, such as birthday parties or weddings, 1.show beautiful places. Years later, people may look at these special photos to remember 2.past.

However, how did people record important moments without cameras long ago? Some people told 3.   ( story) about old times, and others wrote down 4.they remembered. There were also a lot

of people 5. (make) special drawings to help them recall important moments. Among those people were Native Americans of the Lakota tribe.

Every year, Lakota leaders decided which event was most important. A Lakota 6. (art) was then asked to draw a special picture of that event. Because each year ’ s picture was decided on during the winter, the drawings became 7. ( know) as winter counts.

For a long time, winter counts were drawn on animal skins. Later, the drawings 8. (do) on paper. The pictures told the history of the tribe. Each year, the newest winter count was added 9.the Lakota collection of pictures from 10. (early) times. That helped people keep track of the years. Today,winter counts are important records of the Lakota ’ s past.   •

