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Five years ago, as a new nurse working at night-time at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut, Kelly Depanfills stopped to chat with one of her favorite patients, a middle-aged man with leukemia, a type of blood disease. He was in the hospital for treatment, but what he really hoped for was a bone marrow (骨髓) transplant. He talked about “Be The Match”, a foundation that connects patients with donors. “It made me want to see if I matched with anyone,” Depanfills says. “He said, ‘Well, get on there!’”

Depanfills was shocked at how simple “getting on there” turned out to be: all she had to do was sign up and swab (拭抹) her cheek. She just didn’t imagine she’d get the chance so quickly. Not long after being swabbed, Depanfills got a call about a possible recipient (接受者): a 6-month-old boy born without an immune system — meaning one cold could become life-threatening. Within six months, she was checked in to the hospital as his no-named transplant donor.

After the operation, she was told the recovery time was 20 days and could include pain and tiredness, but she had only some soreness. “Honestly, the next day, I went out shopping,” she says. The boy who received her bone marrow cells is now recovering well and able to run around the playground like other kids.

Depanfills was so energized by the experience that she started volunteering at registry events, and last year she started her own at Norwalk Hospital. “One couple drove 45 minutes just to get swabbed,” she says. In a single day, about 50 hoping to be donors signed up. Every year there are 20,000 people who might benefit from a bone marrow transplant. “When you say such things, people get nervous,” Depanfills says. “But I want everyone to know how easy giving this gift can be.”

1.The function of “Be the match” is to_____.

A.link donors with recipients. B.perform transplant operations

C.improve patients’ immune system D.raise money for Norwalk Hospital

2.Which of the following statements about Depanfills is true?

A.She cured a middle-aged man.

B.She was saved by “Be the match”.

C.Her signing up for the donation was hard.

D.Her name was unknown to the recipient.

3.According to the text, we can know that_____.

A.the usual recovery time is less than 20 days

B.many people are inspired by Depanfills’ action

C.the recipient is normally free of pain and tiredness

D.there are 20,000 people every year waiting for donations

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Non-profit Project B.A Cure for a Blood Disease

C.A Marrow Transplant Operation D.A Caring and Can-do Donor

