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Tim Wasem, an English teacher, says he's still getting his head around it. "I have students coming in this semester who are asking, like, 'When are we gonna do the podcast (播客)challenge? When's that gonna happen?' I didn't know the answers."

That's because a year ago, an unlikely team of 11th-graders at Elizabethton High School in east Tennessee won NPR's first-ever Student Podcast Challenge. Their 11-minute entry told the story of how the nearby town of Erwin is trying to rehabilitate (挽回)its image a century after hanging an elephant. They called their podcast"Murderous Mary & The RISE Of Erwin."

As the Student Podcast Challenge opens this month for its second year and as our new podcast about the contest launches on Monday, we've checked back in with last year's two grand-prize winners to see how the experience changed their learning and their lives.

Deanna Hull was a driving force behind "Murderous Mary". She says the experience gave a big lift to her "internal confidence as a student and just as a person in general”. Now a senior, Hull is making college plans, and she says winning the contest helped her see what she's truly capable of. "I'm typically very self-critical of my work. I can't really see what everyone else sees... But then when we found out we'd won, I was like, 'Whoa, OK. Hull admits that she and her classmates took a few weeks to find their footing. Wasem and a fellow teacher Alex Campbell assigned the teams themselves, often avoiding friend groups and forcing unlikely cooperation.

And Hull says that while she was proud of the finished project, she never imagined it could win. The podcast project not only helped Hull and her team but also changed the lives of some of their classmates who didn't win. "The most amazing thing that came from the podcast experience of that class is how many of them found their passion through this project," Campbell says, "and how this project helped them connect to people and learn how to tell someone else's story."

1.How did Tim Wasem feel about his students' questions?

A.He felt tired of them.

B.He was surprised at them.

C.He lacked confidence in them.

D.He had no idea of their answers.

2.What can we learn about "Murderous Mary & The RISE Of Erwin”?

A.It lost a chance to win last year.

B.It tells people elephants are friendly.

C.Its winning was beyond its makers' expectation.

D.It is about the history of the makers' hometown.

3.What did Deanna Hull mainly get from the winning?


B.Her passion for science.

C.Admission into a college.

D.A good knowledge of her disadvantages.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Making a Podcast Enriched Students' Lives

B.What Can Make the Podcast Sound Better?

C.A Successful Way to the College: Podcast Challenge

D.More Problems to be Solved About Podcast Challenge

