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I’m from California, where I have the honor of serving as an ocean lifeguard. The ocean is _______ for its massive currents. If you want to _______ lives, that’s where you work.

One day, I was working in _______ Fifteen. Mike, working in Seventeen, _______ me over the phone and said, “Hey, I got a couple kids and got to give them a(n) _______. Keep an eye on us.” _______ you get out of your tower, you should let somebody else know, _______ a situation develops. As soon as he grasped his buoy (救生圈), a current was snapped under these two kids, and they were getting _______ into the currents. Mike saw it before it happened, and he ran toward the ocean. I _______ the water with my binoculars (双筒望远镜). ________, the mother of the kids had realized what was happening. She was on her ________ and screamed. Mike told me later that he got the boy first, and when he turned to the girl, he had to ________ down into the water and catch her by the hair to ________ her back. When I reached their mother, Mike was in waist-deep water. These kids were so exhausted, so Mike got one under each arm.

I saw the ________ start to drain out of the kids’ mother. Then she got her first look at Mike, I saw a new kind of panic ________ over her as though there was some new, equally dangerous ________ to her kids’ lives. She rushed up to Mike, ________ her kids and left the beach without a thank you.

Mike had a rough upbringing, and his shaved head showed the ________ he got from a broken bear bottle. Although he lacks something, he ________ it with lifesaving ability. As I jogged back, I promised I’d never let my own fear or ________ prevent me recognizing a hero when I see one.

1.A.mysterious B.known C.endless D.sacred

2.A.save B.enrich C.find D.cultivate

3.A.tower B.house C.office D.place

4.A.addressed B.emailed C.faxed D.called

5.A.explanation B.caption C.warning D.notice

6.A.Anytime B.Unless C.Anywhere D.While

7.A.as if B.in case C.even though D.or else

8.A.drowned B.pressed C.sucked D.wrapped

9.A.identified B.noticed C.detected D.scanned

10.A.On occasion B.At present C.Until then D.By now

11.A.legs B.feet C.shoes D.back

12.A.bend B.lay C.fall D.reach

13.A.pull B.push C.hug D.scratch

14.A.excitement B.terror C.calmness D.pain

15.A.get B.knock C.wash D.turn

16.A.threat B.challenge C.suffering D.struggle

17.A.protected B.scolded C.comforted D.grasped

18.A.stain B.scar C.wound D.injury

19.A.makes up for B.stands up for C.catches up with D.puts up with

20.A.conservation B.injustice C.prejudice D.definition

