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Anxiety is tough to deal with at the best of time. It’s even tougher when we’re in the midst of apandemic (大流行病) that is causing chaos around the globe. Here are some simple steps that will help you take back control of the situation.

Stay away from the news. Constantly reading, watching, or checking the news only makes your anxiety grow stronger. 1. Before you know it, your work breaks turn into checking the latest news on coronavirus (冠状病毒) on your phone. Because it’s easier to nip (阻止) a bad habit in the bud, try to limit the amount of time you spend watching the news.

Distract (使分心) yourself. 2. We can’t panic about coronavirus and at the same time be absorbed by a work project. So next time a worrying thought creeps into your mind, try to distract yourself. lt can be with work, taking a shower, or even watching a silly YouTube video.

Choose what you focus on. It’s a difficult time, because we’re isolated and many of us feel lonely and helpless. Instead of thinking about social isolation and the difficulties, which can make us depressed, you are supposed to change the focus. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but have never had the time?3.Could you sign up for a self-improvement webinar (在线研讨会) that allows you to gain life skills?

4. Even though we’re socially distancing ourselves from other people, this doesn’t mean that we should be socially isolating ourselves. Make use of technology and FaceTime or Skype with the people you care about.

Remember:thoughts are mental events that will pass. Consider practicing some mindfulness meditation. Focus on your breaths going in and out of your lungs while gently letting go of thoughts.5.

A.Stay connected.

B.Keep optimistic.

C.Your curiosity can turn into a habit.

D.It will help to do something you like.

E.Our minds can’t hold two thoughts at once.

F.Doing this can calm you and it can ground you.

G.That can be a project at home or a new language,for example.

