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This month, when earthquakes rocked Southern California on back-to-back days, it was a shocking reminder that we may one day experience the “Big One,” a quake with the power to kill and destroy. However a few people saw something else: a photo opportunity.

Tourists flocked to a large crack in a highway to see evidence of the damage for themselves and, of course, take a quick selfie(自拍).

It was only the latest example of how our modern love of sharing photos we take of ourselves in notable situations is colliding with nature and the world, often in confusing and even dangerous ways.

In Canada, a sunflower farm barred visitors last year after selfie-seekers destroyed flowers and left the land looking like a “zombie apocalypse.”(僵尸启示录) In Spain, a man was gored in the neck last weekend while trying to take a video selfie at the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona.

The selfie phenomenon entered the mainstream after Apple and other phonemakers added front-facing cameras starting in 2010, the same year Instagram and other photo-sharing apps were becoming popular. From 2011 to 2017, more than 250 people died while taking selfies, according to a study by researchers in India, which had by far the highest number of such deaths, followed by Russia and the United States. Many died after drowning, falling or being attacked by an animal. Most were under the age of 30.

It’s easy to be uncomfortable with selfies and even mock them, especially when they’re risky or in bad taste. But some researchers have explored different questions: Why do we take selfies? Can they ever be a healthy form of expression? Can selfies be used for good?

1.Why does the author mention the earthquake happened in Southern California?

A.To show how severe the earthquake is.

B.To warn the readers of the dangers in the earthquake.

C.To introduce the risky behavior of the crazy selfie takers.

D.To show how scared people are when earthquake happened.

2.The sunflower farm in Canada barred visitors, because____________

A.there are too many visitors.

B.the farm used to be devastated by selfie seekers.

C.the sunflowers are supposed to be well protected.

D.the farm owner did not want others to enjoy the beautiful sunflowers.

3.What is the right order of the following countries according to the number of selfie deaths?

A.the US, India, Russia. B.Russia, the US, India.

C.India, Russia, the US. D.India, the US, Russia.

4.How did the author feel about selfie?

A.Positive. B.Negative.

C.Ambiguous. D.Uncaring.

