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How to Care for Your Mental Health?

When you’ve been exposed to an infectious illness, it’s important to quarantine (隔离) yourself 1. While you likely don’t need to worry, spending a lot of time in quarantine may have a negative effect on your mental health.

You can participate in enjoyable activities. While you’re in quarantine, try to do things you enjoy, like watching TV or your favorite movies. You might even use this time to catch up on shows you’ve been planning to watch. However, limit yourself to a few hours of TV at a time so you don’t start to feel down. 2. Otherwise, you can have sad feelings or depression.

3. You might have days when you feel like there’s no point in bathing since you are not going out. However, it’s important to maintain good hygiene (卫生), and bathing actually improves your mood. Bathe or shower at least once a day so you’re taking good care of yourself.

4. You probably want to know what’s going on outside your quarantine space, but too much information can add to your stress, especially news about a pandemic (流行病). Set times to check on the news so you don’t get caught in a constant cycle of watching for updates. 5. So you aren’t seeing news updates there.

A.Practicing self care is vital.

B.So you don’t accidentally infect others.

C.It’s best to manage your worries and emotions.

D.Text your friends and family throughout the day.

E.Fortunately, it’s possible to keep these emotions under control.

F.Of course, you should spend time doing other activities as well.

G.Additionally, set time limits for yourself when it comes to using social media.

