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Yoga is an age-old practice that stretches (伸展) the body and calms the mind. By performing a series of poses(体式), called asanas, you will feel more relaxed. This results in lower blood pressure, a decrease in stress and healthy muscles. 1. With poses ranging from simple to challenging, yoga gives your mind something to think about. So get started by trying simple poses.

Mountain Pose

Stand barefoot on a no-slip mat and put your feet side-by-side, 2. Stretch your leg muscles and feel your knee caps lift. Practice holding your head and neck in a straight line. Relax your shoulders. Breathe in and out, and focus on your breathing.

Triangle Pose

Begin in Mountain Pose. As you breathe out, move your left foot about three or four feet to the left side. Lift your arms until they’re parallel with the floor. Stretch your fingertips outward. Then turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left, and turn your right foot about 45 degrees toward your left. 3.

Cat to Cow Pose

This is a great way to loosen a tight back, neck or shoulders. Begin with your palms(手掌) under your shoulders and your knees under your hips(臀部). 4. Then drop the head and neck toward your mat, pull your stomach muscles tight, and round your back up toward the ceiling. Hold that pose and breathe in and out.

5. Gradually add more asanas to your practice. Before long, you’ll notice a positive change in your body and your mind.

A. Continue moving back and forth.

B. It can be hard to balance in this way.

C. Perform these poses every day, if you can.

D. Hold your back and neck in a straight line.

E. Adjust your feet till they feel good against the mat.

F. But beyond its health benefit yoga brings a lot of fun!

G. The heels of both feet should be in line underneath your arms.

