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Emotions are “the glue” that connects people to one another. They are the foundation of your ability to understand yourself and relate to others. When you are aware of your emotions, you can manage stress and communicate well with others. Without emotions and awareness of them, it’s impossible to build or maintain strong, healthy relationships. The more aware you are of your own emotions, the easier it will be for you to pick up on what others are feeling and accurately read their wants and needs.

Although emotional awareness is so important, many people remain relatively unaware of their main emotional experience. In order to know your level of emotional awareness, ask yourself the following questions. If you answer no, you may need to work on raising your emotional awareness — Can you tolerate strong feelings, such as anger and sadness? Do you feel your emotions in your body? Are you comfortable with all of your emotions? Do you pay attention to your emotions and avoid them guiding your decisions?

Raising your emotional awareness begins with managing stress. The ability to quickly reduce stress allows you to safely face strong emotions, regulate your feelings and behave properly. Also, the process of raising emotional awareness involves reconnecting with all of the main emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise, and joy. So get back in touch with your emotions and feelings. Another key to raising emotional awareness is practice. Like building muscles in a gym, you wouldn’t expect to be bodybuilder after just five minutes. The more consistently you practice, the greater changes you’ll experience in what you feel, think, and so.

We are all born with a capacity to freely experience the full range of human emotions — joy, anger, sadness, and fear. Yet many people are trying to avoid them rather than experience them. If you avoid emotions, you will lose the good ones, along with the bad ones. Either you fell your emotions or you don’t. When you shut down negative feelings like anger, fear, or sadness, you also shut down your ability to experience positive feelings such as joy, love and happiness. You can change or turn a blind eye to your emotions, but you can’t get rid of them entirely. Moreover, it will totally wear you out, because avoiding emotional experiences usually takes a lot of energy. What’s more, it damages your relationships. The more you distance yourself from your feelings, the more distant you become from others. You lose the ability to build strong relationships and communicate effectively, both of which depend on being in touch with your emotions.

Emotional Awareness

Paragraph Outlines

Supporting Details

The 1. of emotions

*Emotions lay the foundations for having a better  2. of yourself and others.

*Emotional awareness helps you manage stress, strengthen your

3. with others and improve your interpersonal relationships.

The evaluation of your emotional awareness

*Many people are relatively 4. in having awareness

of their main emotional experience.

*Through answering some related questions, you can know

5. you need to raise your emotional awareness.

The 6. to raising emotional awareness

*Managing stress is the 7. thing you should do to raise

your emotional awareness.

*Get back in touch with your emotions and feelings.

8. on practicing and you will experience changes in

your emotional awareness.

The danger of avoiding your emotions

*You will lose all the emotions altogether.

*You will feel extremely 9..

*It will be 10. to your relationships with others.

